Game #2

Winning Ways, levelling up your all-round game (OTM02)

As you enter Game #2 of Tactics, Wisdom from the Beautiful Game, World Series© you have an opportunity to develop 'Winning Ways' – empowering, neuro-science-supported knowledge and wisdom – ways of thinking and being from the beautiful game for impact on our spinning ball and human flourishing. 🏅

"The health of a system is dependent on the fitness of its parts." The Tactics Coach

Based on the philosophy of ‘Total Football’, Winning Ways equips you with transferable and versatile skills for the whole person, for all areas of the Game of life.

The knowledge gained from Winning Ways builds on the learning from OTM01 and helps you optimise your game management system, and your playing style; helping you move forward faster and to fluidly play out from the back: from goal protection (our defensive back line), through goal creation (our midfielders), to goal completion (our forwards). 

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