Tactics, Wisdom from the Beautiful Game, World Series©

setting you up for the game of your life

Tony Bryce

Series Creator & Head Coach

Hi, my name is Tony Bryce. I am, in a manner of speaking, a football pundit & coach, which also translates to being a commentator on life on our spinning ball and a skilled helper. Through the lens of the beautiful game, a reference to the sport of association football, called soccer in some countries, I train and coach aspiring game-changers for impact on our spinning ball, starting with their own game. 

I know all too well from childhood experiences, the frustration of loss and under-achievement and the impact on a child’s self-esteem of frequently being on the bench.  I know how difficult it can be to find one's place in the world and to raise one’s presence in the game of life without the guidance and support of experienced mentors and allies.

As a student of life, a fan of the beautiful game, and now one of those skilled helpers, spanning over 35 years, I have spent much of my personal and professional life accruing, practicing, and teaching wisdom. Not just by reading the books and listening to the life insights of the great and the good, but by observing the game of life, learning from my howlers and own goals, of which they have been more than a few, and by practicing for improvement. 

My 8 game Tactics, Wisdom from the Beautiful Game, World Series© is an example of me learning from those experiences and seeking to be helpful. ⚽🌍


Optimum Living Education

"Tactics, Wisdom from the Beautiful Game, World Series,© is one of four optimum living education online learning and coaching resources that I have created to support you with the worthwhile goal of a meaningful life. 

I wish to do more than share my story and my resources with you; I wish to reveal to you your own resources from your own story, and for you to be encouraged by what you find.   

I wish to help you find 'answers of peace' - insights and ideas for action that can positively impact your world. 

I wish to be helpful."


Over the years I have observed game-changing ideas from the most popular sport in the world, that parallel our own beautiful game, the game of life. Through my Tactics Series I share my game-changing story and insights.


  • from my observations of life, and the beautiful game, that have positively affected my time on the ball, enabling me to build momentum from underachievement and loss experiences

  • that have enabled me to recover from setbacks, to play my way back into the game of life, to ride challenges, regain my shape, build from the back, and to move forward faster

  • that I have packaged to help you make the most of your time on the ball, that has mostly gone unnoticed until now

  • that I am keen to make widely known, so that others learn how they might raise their presence in the game of life.   

Created in 2013, Tactics, Wisdom from the Beautiful Game, World Series,© is an 8 game, series that draws on football analogies, my ground-breaking Olive Tactics Model (OTM)© Game Management System© and a sprinkling of wisdom literature, to explore the beautiful game of life:   

  • Inspirational and insightful approaches to the challenges and set pieces, the highs and lows of life

  • Fair Play approaches from the beautiful game based on the principles and practices of non-violent resistance (NVR)

  • Winning Ways: brain-based ways of thinking and being in life

  • Leadership and management concepts and practices for scaling your life and life's work:   

  • Game-changing insights and ideas that could help set you up for impact on our spinning ball, to convert your life chances, and obtain favourable results.

The Tactics e-learning format can be delivered to different audiences and in a variety of ways, including pre-recorded audio-content, live webinars, and in person.

In person 'live' games are part of an alternative high tempo taught curriculum that takes participants through the 'highlights' of each module, with exercises designed to improve their fitness and raise their agency. 

Levels 1-8 is open to men and women, and to people of all faiths and none. Notwithstanding, level 5 has a leadership and management focus (OTM05); level 6 is an optional testimonial game that explores the Christian worldview through the lens of the beautiful game (OTM06), and level 7 provides 1-2-1 and Group Coaching (OTM07).

Group Coaching is a safe virtual space to work on, at and through game-changing ideas with Certified Tactics Coaches, through high support, and challenge-based interactions with like-minded others.

Each recruit begins at level 1 (OTM01), and works their way up to the final level (OTM08), if this is their end goal, unlocking each level as they progress to the final.

If you are ready to take responsibility for the game of your life, my accessible
 OTM Game Management System© and the modules of the Tactics, World Series© could assist you with this goal. ⚽

Game On!


"This could be your moment in the Game of your life to level up your impact on the ball; to leave a positive mark on the Game; to make something happen on the ball that is remembered and celebrated before you are done, and long after you have gone. The opening game awaits your sign up. See you inside!"


Sign up for Game #1

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